
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Announcing the Blog Tour for A Heart Not Easily Broken!

I am proud to announce the official blog tour to celebrate the release of my debut novel, A Heart Not Easily Broken!!!

Starting the day of the eBook release, September 20, 2012, there will be numerous interviews over various blog sites on the web. The tour will end September 28th, 2012. Follow the tour to learn about me, how I started writing, why I write, the creation of the characters and the Butterfly Memoirs series! Along the way there will be character interviews, deleted scenes, and sneak peeks into the novel itself!

But wait, there's more!

I will also be holding my FIRST CONTEST!!!  And who doesn’t love a contest!

In appreciation for all of the support I’ve received during my writing journey, I want say thank you for the encouraging comments and feedback! As a bonus for taking the time to visit these blogs - and showing the blog host some love - I will be giving away an AUTOGRAPHED COPY of the paperback version of A Heart Not Easily Broken!

That’s right! For all of you who still love the smell of a paperback book, feeling the weight of it in your hand, and having it displayed on your book shelf, someone is going to win one!

(But if you can't wait until October 4th to get that paper back, download a FREE KINDLE APP and grab your eBook copy today!!!!)

The contest rules and directions will be posted on both this site as well as the home for The Butterfly Memoirs Series. I will be shouting out reminders daily as well has posting all the host links so that if you miss a day you will still be able to catch up!

By the way, if you don’t have an eReader and would like to purchase the book the day it releases in eBook format, don’t fear!!! Did you know that you can download FREE KINDLE APPS for your laptop, iPad, Tablet, and Smartphones? There's even one that allows you to read on your browser! And they are all FREE!! Follow this link and find out how you can get one of these free applications, then got to Amazon and purchase the novel! (On release day, Septmeber 20th!)  I promise you’ll be glad you did!

Until later, Happy Reading!


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