
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Interview with Synithia Williams!

For the past year, I've had the privilage of getting to know Synithia Williams. It's amazing what wonderful people you can meet on Twitter! We started off as "Coffee Diva's" along with three other amazing women, giving each other shout out's and toasting our 'virtual' mugs every morning, all the while encouraging one another to keep writing, and never get discouraged. I am proud to say that a few weeks ago, Synithia's first novel, You Can't Plan Love, was published by Crimson Romance! Today, she's dropped by to share a little about herself, her writing process, and her wonderful book!

Every writer has their own story as to why they chose to write.  What inspired you?

There wasn’t anything particularthat inspired me to write—that I can remember. Writing stories is something I’vealways done. I didn’t work on novels consistently, but I would always make upstories about random situations, write in a diary and start the first chapterof a story idea. A co-worker who packed up her family and went to law schoolinspired me to take my writing seriously. If she could pursue a dream, so couldI.

You have a very important day job. Can you share a bit ofinformation about it and how it relates to your main character, KenyattaCopeland?
I’m the Environmental Coordinatorfor Lexington County in South Carolina. So my days are filled with waterquality, air quality and other sustainability projects. Our largest newspaperdubbed me as a Green Queen in 2010 and I really appreciated that and the otherrecognitions I’ve gotten. As I wrote You Can’t Plan Love, I needed a career formy main character. I felt more comfortable putting her in an environmentalfield—that whole write what you know idea—than putting her in another career.

With your work responsibilities and being a wife and mother, how doyou find time to write?
I make time to write. My kids go tobed every weeknight at 8 p.m. and I try to write around 9 p.m. I also keep a notebookor my iPad with me and write story ideas, outlines and snippets of scenes whenI’m on lunch break or have time between meetings. On the weekends I write whenthe boys are napping, and sometimes when they’re awake. My biggest distractionnow is social media, I’ll lose an hour or more doing that if I’m not careful.

I have a purple amethyst stone that sets on my desk to encouragecreativity. Do you have any special rituals you do to get ready to write?
I usually get a glass of wine(white in summer and red in winter) and popcorn before writing at night. I’vealways loved unusual food pairings and wine and popcorn work when I’m writing.

Are you a pantser or plotter?
A little bit of both. I alwayswrite a story outline to map out the major events in the story. The problem isthat when I write the characters may take the story somewhere else. So an eventin my outline either no longer make sense, happens at a different point than Iexpected or is completely re-vamped.

As writers, we often find inspiration from news events, people weknow, or even our own life experiences. Do any of your stories reflect parts of your life experiences?  Can you share and example?
I do draw inspiration from randomthings that happen in my life. The most obvious in this story is my experienceworking in water quality. I will admit that I can understand some of Kenyatta’sfrustrations with her past dating experience. The idea that men only wanted herfor sex is something I’ve thought about and discussed with friends. Thatthought gave me the idea of a woman trying to plan her love life because she’s beenhurt in the past. I on the other hand, I couldn’t commit to planning my lovelife. I went total opposite of my “type” and ended up with my husband.

Congratulations on the publication of your first book! As a newlypublished author, do you have any advice to share with others who just startedtheir own publishing journey?
Keep writing! When you’re queryingand getting rejections it’s easy to say “I give up” but don’t. I wrote mysecond book while querying my first and also started my third. If writing iswhat you want to do, don’t put all your eggs in one basket (i.e. story). Keepwriting, researching and improving your craft.

Are you self-pubbed, indie pubbed, or traditionally pubbed?
I’m went with an e-book publisher,Crimson Romance a new imprint of F&W Media, to jump in on the digitalrevolution without taking the time required to format, design a book cover, etcthat comes with self publishing.

What are your current projects?
I’ve recently sent my second bookto my editor (fingers crossed she likes it). You meet the hero, JaredPatterson, in You Can’t Plan Love. He’s Malcolm’s brother.  Here is a quick logline to tell you what it’sabout: When a virgin frustratedby her nonexistentdating life, asks a playboy for a one-night stand, can they really ignore theirattraction after the affair?

After several bad relationships, Kenyatta Copleland decidesto control her life with the same discernment she uses in her professionallife.

Knowing firsthand the heartbreak that comes when desire and emotionrule a relationship, Kenyatta assumes marrying Brad Johnson will lead to astable life. But as much as she believes she can plan her future, it’s hard toignore the way her boss, Malcolm Patterson, ignites her passions with just onelook. After Malcolm, learns of her engagement, he makes a play for her heartand reminds her that passion between a man and a woman has its perks…but alsoits costs. When Brad suspects there’s more than work between Kenyatta andMalcolm, he works harder to keep Kenyatta by his side. Torn between her promiseto marry Brad and her irrepressible longing for Malcolm, Kenyatta must decideif she can live her life in a passionless marriage of convince or once againtrust her heart. Yet Brad isn’t as perfect as he seems, and by the timeKenyatta realizes this it may be too late. 


Kenyatta scoffed. “Well it sounds likeyou’re spending way too much time paying attention to me and my relationship.”
“Why not pay attention to it? I thinkit’s fascinating to watch a smart, beautiful woman try and convince herselfshe’s in love with a man who doesn’t even arouse her.”
Her brown eyes widened, sparking fire.She had never looked so damn tempting. He took a step toward her, but she wastoo angry to notice. She pointed her finger at his chest again and tried topush him back.
“You have no idea what you’re talkingabout. Brad does arouse me.”
“How can you begin to makeinterpretations about our sex life?”
“You never have the look of a womanwho’s had a great night of sex.”
She laughed caustically. “Really,that’s your answer? Unlike the chicks you bring through here, I don’t need toput on a show for the world to see that I’m having sex. I’m not going to walkaround in yesterday’s clothes with my hair flying all over my head just toprove a point.”
“It’s not about putting on a show; it’sabout the look in your eyes when you talk about him or see him. You don’t lookat him as if he knows all your secrets and all the ways to turn you on.”
“For your information, Bradknows...enough about me to keep me happy.”
“That’s not the same as arousing you.”
“There’s more to a relationship thanarousal. What we had—have is built on more than that.”
He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, patience andunderstanding.”
She nodded. “Yes, and for yourinformation, he does arouse me. He’s the best...I’ve ever...had.”
“That’s such a lie you can’t even sayit with a straight face.”
“And how would you know?”
He stepped closer and lowered hisvoice. “Because I arouse you every day and you try to pretend like I don’t. I’mnot a fool, Kenyatta. I can tell when a woman wants me.”
Anger flared in her eyes, and her cocoaskin flushed with emotion. “You conceited bastard! You think that every womanin the world is ready to fall at your feet. You’re the epitome of what I don’twant in a man. Cocky, chauvinistic, and convinced he’s God’s gift to women.”
“Not women, Kenyatta, just you.” Hepulled her into his arms. Before she could utter another word, his mouthcrushed down on hers. She stood against him motionless for a second beforeresponding to his kiss.
Malcolm’s original intention was toprove his point. He knew she was attracted to
him,and her accusation of his conceit hit a nerve. But as soon as she melted in hisarms, he forgot his reason for kissing her and got lost in the feel of her softlips against his. He’d never wanted a woman as badly as he wanted her. Malcolmsqueezed her butt, pressing her against him so she could feel how she affectedhim.


Connect with Synithia or buy her book at one of the following links!