
Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Next Big Thing! and my FIRST FIVE STAR REVIEW!!!!!

I woke up this morning to let my dogs outside and checked my phone. There was a message on Facebook from a reader saying that she’d read my book and written a book review….my first review….My finger shaking, I logged on to my Goodreads author account and read….omg….My mouth dropped open and my eyes watered….That type of response was well worth the four years it took for me to see my book from beginning to publication! It’s a rather long review, but here’s the first portion:

"A Heart Not Easily Broken by M.J. Kane was truly a wonderful romantic well written read. This novel is the first of many of Ms. Kane's...'The Butterfly Memoirs' and I enjoyed it...and that being ...'change...the shedding of the old and bringing out the new.' This was definitely a page turner...even though I had read several excerpts... from some of the chapters... but starting with Chapter one till the end you will find this novel a captivating excellent read. How this author was able to do this was simply a work of art. (Read the entire review)

So I guess that means I really have earned the title of “The Next Big Thing!” Thank you to Carmen DeSousa and Deidra Ds Green for considering me for this title! Now… to answer the questions:

What is the one sentence synopsis of your book?
When Ebony’s attempt at a brief fling turns into more, despite negative reactions from friends and family, she finds juggling love, family, and career are nothing compared to the ultimate betrayal she endures.

What genre does this book fall under?
Interracial Romance, Contemporary Romance, Women’s Fiction

How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript?
It took 30 days to research and develop my charters and book outline. To write the first draft took another 30 days.

What other books would you compare this story to within the same genre?
I can’t compare my work to anyone else. I’ve strived to create my writing voice and style to bring a fresh voice to the Romance genre.

Who or what inspired you to write this book?
Life. My personal emotional growth and evolution was the catalyst. My desire to see a heroine the everyday woman can empathize with, who is strong, yet endures a tragic situation and is still able to come through the trial changed for the better is the theme of my Butterfly Memoirs series. I also felt finding men who experience the same type of growth and developments were passed over in the Romance genre. I strive to focus on both character’s development.

What else about your book might pique the reader’s interest?
While this book is about an interracial couple, the focus is not on the color of skin. It’s about finding love and support where you least expect it. No matter what the color of our skin, all face the same type of issues. It’s how we deal with those issues that define us.

Now to tag a few authors, both aspiring and published! Keep your eyes open for these talented authors!


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