
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Recycle Those Old Manuscripts, Don't Trash Them!

I posted this status on Facebook last week:

New authors: Does you manuscript lack the 'fire' it needs to stand apart? Don't give up! Never trash those original ideas! Set them to the side and try again. You'll be surprised at how new ideas will begin to may even find yourself reaching for the original ms, pulling bits and pieces from it, and finding a way to make it shine! Old manuscripts are not necessarily bad ideas...just really well thought out musings!

Book 1-A Heart Not Easily Broken - completed: all notes and handwritten ms.
When I started writing three years ago, I thought my first manuscript was perfect. The characters were engaging, the dialogue witty and flowing... the story line engaging. Then I realized I didn't know what platform I wanted to use, much less what genre I was really in. All I knew is I had a story to tell. I wanted it to be a coming of age story but still be a romance. The characters were 18-21, so the story was more Young Adult. Because of the subject matter of the book, sex scenes were necessary, but I didn't want it to be labled as YA and didn't want to remove the love scenes  because they were pertinent to the story.  After listening to advice from my ever helpful critique partners, I decided to step away from the story and try something new.

Book 2- Jaded-editing: Original notes, scenes, new outline, 1st manuscript draft.
The next writing attempt followed  characters who were in their mid- to late twenty's, well established in their careers, and old enough to have as much sex as I felt comfortable writing about. The story line was completly different, and once again, I thought I had it nailed. Then I realized the characters were not real enough. I hadn't put in enough effort to make them believable. I didn't know their back story, didn't have a history to pull from to make my characters three-dimentional instead of two-dimentional. After sharing the first chapter with close confidants and having them nearly bored to death, I forced myself to listen to their honest feedback. They said, it was missing description in the scenes, and didn't grab their attention....I put that story aside as well.

Book 3 - Lonely Heart- wip:Notes from original ms and current rough outline.
After taking a writer's class, I found my writing platform. As a result, I pulled out the original manuscript, (thank god I didn't trash it like I started to!), focused on the heart of the story, and re-wrote it with older characters....after peeling back those 'onion' layers to discover who they were. As a result, I ended up with a much better story by 'resurrecting' bits and pieces of the original manuscript.

As I went through the previous manuscripts, I discovered various portions of the original stories can be recycled. I've enjoyed fitting the 'pieces' from the 'old' and and putting them together with the 'new'. I've been able to do this without pulling out the original pages to refresh my memory of the tale being told.

Book 4- Nobody's Business But My Own- planning:Notes, rough outline.
One thing I must point out: if you put down a manuscript and begin a complete re-write of the story, do it without reviewing your original work. Step away from the story for a few days, or weeks and let the old story line leave your thoughts. This is vital. Why? You don't want to end up writing the same stuff over again. As an author, the concept or idea should be imbedded on your mind without having to read it word-for-word. Doing so will allow the story to emerge from a fresh prespective. Switch up scenes, events, and add in more conflict, goals, and motivations. Before you know it, the story comes forth, and you discover certain events, dialoge, or even partial scenes connect to your original manuscript. You're original scenes can become back story to your current work.
Book #5-Untitled- planning: Outlines, notes, scenes. Book 6 is still buried deep in my head!

It's amazing how your creative mind can work!

One thing you must remember: Don't get impatient or discouraged! From what I've learned from my own writing journey, and all of the other authors I've had the opportunity to meet along the way, the average time it takes to write a good story is at least one year. It seems like a lot, but think about the steps it takes to write a story:
  • Create the basic plot. (goals, motivation, conflict)
  • Design the location, backdrop, or world for the story to take place.
  • Create the characters that will inhabit this world. (names, back story, goals, motivations)
  • Research jobs, topic for the story, etc., so the story can be as realistic as possible. 
  • Write a story outline. (rough draft/final draft)
  • Write first draft of manuscript.
  • Read first draft, then write second draft, and third, and fourth, as many as it takes to get it as good as possible.
  • Edit.
  • Read manuscript again.
  • Edit again.
  • Wait for your beta reader/critique partners to read and send back their thoughts.
  • Read/edit again.
  • Eventually get work professionally edited/proofread. 
  • And yep, edit again (I swear this step never seems to end!!!)
  • Eventually, when you look around, time has passed, and yep, a year has gone by! 
Now of course, everyone has their own way of doing things. Some are better, some are not. In the end, it's all about the amount of work willing to put into your masterpiece. Sometimes its a matter of trial and error. One thing I can be sure of, and I've gotten this from self-published, indie authors, and New York Times Best Sellers, you never stop learning or growing as a writer. With every book you write, your storytelling improves. I know mine has. Writing and editing my second book has not been near as hard as it was the first time. Why? Because I've learned a lot and have implemented the techniques. Don't get me wrong, it's still hard work, but the rewards of seeing the evolution of my work are priceless!

Remember, with hard work, creativity, imagination, perseverance, and patience, a lot of'll make that original story become great. Good luck!!


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