Life at the M.J. Kane household has been on speed since the start of February. My family has searched for a larger home, found it, packed, and unpacked. Two of my kids have moved to a new school. Thank God, my older kids have been able to remain in their school. Since they both attend a Fine Arts Magnet program – one for orchestra, the other for art – it was pertinent to be closer to their school. Now we live five minutes away instead of twenty-five. More time back in my life to write!
The move made me prioritize my life for a few weeks. No more world-wind writing/editing over here. Oh no. Instead, I had to put up the computer and step away from my characters for over two weeks. Talk about murder! I’m a grumpy person when I don’t get to write. Even worse, when I’m busy I can’t plot scenes in my head. I have been so worn out the last few weeks that I was too tired to use my imagination…at all.
Now, things are slowing down and my writing schedule is coming back online. In the process, I’ve learned my blog received another award…amazing!
The Versatile Blogger. Is that what I am? Cool! I’m more than happy to accept this outstanding award! If you could see me, I’m blushing. Since you can’t, pull up my Twitter profile and imagine me with fat rosy cheeks!
First, I must say thank you so much to Gareth Young, aka @SpartaGus for nominating me! Check out his blog: He is a very entertaining and witty fellow.
Now, there are some rules in accepting this award, which I will now follow:
1. In a post on your blog, nominate 15 fellow bloggers for The Versatile Blogger Award. (Man, was that work!)
2. In the same post, add the Versatile Blogger Award. (It’s all sparkly-glowy!!)
3. In the same post, thank the blogger who nominated you with a link back to their blog. (see above)
4. In the same post, share 7 completely random pieces of information about yourself. (to be found below!)
5. In the same post, include this set of rules. (done!!!)
6. Inform each nominated blogger of their nomination by posting a comment on each of their blogs. (check your in-boxes!)
The rules are easy enough. Now if I can find seven things that people may want to know about me…For fun, I will count them down:
7. I have read The Lord of the Rings Trilogy twice. I also own the extended editions of the movies, and have watched them so much I can quote scenes. I also have a secret crush on Eragon and Legolas. (the actors and the characters) Oops, guess it’s not a secret anymore!
6. I was president of the ‘Just Say No’ club during my junior year of high school.
5. I once took modeling classes when I was 16, along with my mother. She got the modeling gig, I didn’t. LOL, which was fine by me. Though, I did do two fashion shows outside of the agency. That was the extent of my brief modeling career.
4. I married my high school sweet heart at the tender age of 19. We’ve been married for 17 years and have four beautiful children who have talents of their own.
3. The genre I write is Contemporary Romance and Women’s Fiction. I didn’t start reading romance novels until 2005, when a co-worker offered me a book to keep me occupied while on my lunch break. I’d just finished reading Return of the King and was bored.
2. I am self-taught author. I’ve never been to college, but I did graduate high school. British Lit was my favorite subject.
1. My other talent is floral design. I have been privileged to provide amazing silk flower arrangements for many weddings.
I hope you found something interesting there!
Now to nominate fellow bloggers who have influenced me. I suggest you take a moment to check out their sites. Maybe they can influence you, the same way they have influenced me!
@MSProofing- – Editing and proofreading
@Chicki Brown - SisterScribble- Contemporary Romance Author
@Zee Monodee- Zee Monodee’s Author’s Corner – Romantic Suspense
@Author_Carmen – - Romantic Suspense
@Ashley Barron – - Author and wonderful supporter to all Indi authors
@Abigail Tinuviel – - Aspiring Author and Coffee aficionado
@Synithia Williams – -Aspiring Author and Coffee Aficionado
@SM Reine - SM Reine - Urban Fantasy
Authors Promoting Authors – -The name says it all!
@E.B. Walters – - Sensual Contemporary and Romantic Suspense Author
@Jordyn - Great source of medical information for authors
Donna McBroom-Theroit- My. Life. One Story at a Time – Book reviewer and all round wonderful person
@Sarah R. Yoffa- Webbiegrrls’s Writings – Romantic Suspense Author
Racheal Johns- Ramblings of a Romance Mama – Romance Author
N.E. Wilson- When Pen and Paper Meet – So much in a name!
Now I’m back to work again. Now that I am querying for, A Heart Not Easily Broken, I refuse to sit still. Book two of The Butterfly Memoir Series has been written and needs to be edited. So, it’s back to the drawing board to do what worked best last time around. Stay tuned!